
How Hoplo Helps :

Hoplo's innovative system for mining vehicles features a dynamic display with 5 zones and 3 segments. This enhances operator awareness by reporting the closest object in each segment, minimizing collision risks in challenging environments. With intelligent tracking and reduced false detections, Hoplo ensures safety and efficiency in the mining industry. 

How Software Solution Helps :  

Spartan's Clarify software significantly improves safety in the mining industry. It enables operators to navigate demanding environments with accuracy, reducing accidents. Its off-road configuration ensures dependable alerts in challenging landscapes, contributing to a safer mining operation.

Recommended Configurations

Understanding that construction sites do not have the same flat terrain that on-road vehicles travel on, Spartan has a special off-road configuration that reduces sensitivity. This way, operators do not get alerts when topography changes.


Reverse / Single Side


Reverse / Right and Left Side


Full Surround

Get the Spartan sensing edge.